2.26.18 NC Nonprofit News

Feb 26, 2018 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Durham Independent Dance Artists present Ginger Wagg & Wild Actions, Activate Good hosts Good Together, Triangle Community Foundation is accepting grant proposals and more.

News about grants, gifts

North Carolina institutions that hold collections relevant to North Carolina’s history and culture may be eligible to participate in a grant-funded program to digitize the materials. A grant recently awarded to the State Historical Records Advisory Board and the State Archives of North Carolina by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission provides for the transport, scanning, and online publishing of North Carolina historical records and archival materials through a partnership with the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is investing an additional $50 million into North Carolina community health initiatives this year, funded partially with $40 million in tax savings generated through the recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The $50 million investment will focus on four specific areas: addressing the state’s opioid epidemic, early childhood development, social determinants of health and primary care.

Duke University alumnus Carl Bolch Jr. and his wife, Susan Bass Bolch, made a $10 million gift to endow a new institute at Duke University’s law school. The Carl and Susan Bolch Judicial Institute will be dedicated to bettering the human condition through studying and promoting the rule of law.

News about people, groups

Executive Service Corps of the Triangle named Anne Saffer Executive Director. 

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy hosted “Action & Awareness” Immigration Symposium on February 21st.

Jesica Averhart, Executive Director of Leadership Triangle, will be the keynote speaker at the #NonprofitSTRONG Summit on May 18th at The McKimmon Center in Raleigh.

Allan B. Head, who devoted 43 years of service to the North Carolina Bar Association and the North Carolina Bar Foundation, died on Friday, February 16th, at the age of 73. He joined the staff as executive secretary on Dec. 1st, 1973, and served as executive director from 1981 until his retirement on December 31, 2016.

North Carolina’s unemployment rate is now higher than the national average, after climbing in December – but the state is joining 19 others in an innovative program to address the problem. North Carolina was selected to be part of the Skillful State Network, which will prioritize training for people in need of a job for specific marketable skills.

Ginger Wagg & Wild Actions present their new interactive performance installation, Frivolous Artist, as part of  Durham Independent Dance Artists’ season of local dance, March 25th, 26th, and 29th-31st, at The Durham Fruit Company.

Cone Health received the United Way of North Carolina’s Excellence in Community Spirit Award. The award recognizes a company that leads the way in strengthening its community through volunteering, financial investment, and community partnerships.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Hemp University, LLC will hold its first educational symposium event of the year, “Growing Hemp for Profit,” on Saturday, March 10th in Charlotte.

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits will hold a 2018 Nonprofit Town Hall Series in cities across North Carolina this spring, including Asheville, Raleigh, Winston-Salem and Charlotte.

Triangle Community Foundation is currently accepting proposals for Environmental Conservation Grants.

Activate Good is hosting Good Together at Campbell Lodge on April 26th.

UNC’s Department of Communication presents Utopia Machine on March 1st-3rd.

Camp Easterseals UCP is accepting applications for campers, staff and volunteers.

Guildford Green Foundation is hosting their 20th anniversary Gala and Green Party on March 24th.

Photographer Norma Longo’s, latest exhibition, “A Touch of Nature” will be on exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences’ Nature Art Gallery from March 2nd-April 1st.

The 23rd Annual The Great Human Race 5K will take place on March 24th at the Durham Bulls Ballpark. Registration is now open.

United Way of Greater Greensboro is seeking college students to participate in a local Alternative Spring Break, March 5th – 9th, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Local college students will be chosen through the application process to have hands-on volunteer experiences and exclusive “behind the scenes” visits to awesome Greensboro businesses.

GoRaleigh is now accepting proposals for new bus shelter designs. Submit your proposal by March 15th for the chance to be featured on one of ten bus shelters throughout Raleigh. 

Triangle Community Foundation, BC/DC Ideas and Third Space Studio present the third FailFest, an open-mic style event for Triangle nonprofit leaders to share their stories of failure. FailFest will be held at The Maywood in Raleigh on Wednesday, March 7th.

The Shore Grief Center will hold their Grief Beach Retreat from March 8th-11th.

The United Negro College Fund is providing free career readiness skills to Raleigh-Durham area college students during the UNCF Empower Me Tour (EMT). EMT is a free, traveling workshop that provides college students an opportunity to connect with employers and hone the skills necessary to navigate 21st century careers. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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