2.25.19 International News

Feb 25, 2019 | News, Philanthropy Journal

Gap Inc. joins Business Call to Action to improve the lives of one million women and adolescent girls, Thomson Safaris celebrates Porter Appreciation Week, DXA Studio, designs an orphanage community development in Zambia, and more.

News about gifts, grants

Gap Inc. joined Business Call to Action with a commitment to improve the lives of one million women and adolescent girls through its life skills and technical training program called P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement & Career Enhancement). The program was initially created to support women working in the global apparel industry and has expanded training to new locations such as schools, universities, and other manufacturing communities.

SC Johnson will support the development of an additional 40 health posts throughout Rwanda, expanding access to health care and malaria education for more than 200,000 people. This expands on the company’s 2018 investment, which established 10 health posts in rural Rwanda, bringing the total to 50.

News about people, groups

American Academy in Rome selected Elizabeth Rodini as the next Andrew Heiskell Arts Director. Rodini will begin a three-year term on July 1st. She previously served at Johns Hopkins University as founding director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Museums and Society.

The International Association of Women recognized Kat Anstine as a 2019-2020 Influencer. Anstine founded Bound for Growth to empower people working to serve a greater good.

Kela, an independent social security institution in Finland, conducted an experimental study on universal basic income during 2017 and 2018. A report on preliminary results is available 

The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association Foundation elects Tyler Milligan as Board Member. The foundation conducts development and scholarship programs and recently granted scholarships to students working towards transportation-related degrees.

Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia received the Marjan-Marsh award. Run in partnership with the Marjan Centre for the Study of War and the Non-Human Sphere at King’s College London and the Marsh Christian Trust, the Marjan-Marsh award is given annually to an individual or group that made an invaluable contribution in an area where conservation and conflict overlap.

Thomson Safaris celebrated Porter Appreciation Week from February 4th to February 11th, in honor of the nearly 15,000 Tanzanian porters who aid trekkers on their quest to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro. It takes a crew of nearly half a dozen porters to accompany one individual person climbing the mountain.

Jenny Eaton Dyer, Ph.D, started The 2030 Collaborative, to provide consulting and outreach services for the non-profit and private sectors. A primary goal of the collaborative is to encourage advocacy for the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, including those related to poverty, health, hunger, education, clean water, sanitation, peace and justice.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy shared outcomes from 2018 in their Year in Review video. Ecologists with the conservancy understood a record 221,937 trap nights, the nation’s most extensive biodiversity program. 

Foundry Spatial completed and released a major expansion to the Alberta Water Tool, a platform for industry, government, and the public to easily access water information in support of environmentally sustainable water management. In 2018, the Alberta Water Tool produced 1,447 watershed reports.

Christine and Dr. Gabriel Chiu, philanthropists from Los Angeles, CA, and the Prince of Wales, celebrated the opening of The Prince’s Foundation Chiu Integrated Health Programme, a new health and wellness center located at the Dumfries House in Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Transparency International released the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index revealing a continued failure of most countries to significantly control corruption that is contributing to a crisis of democracy around the world.

IMMUSE teamed with Global Empowerment Mission to provide families in third world countries food, clean water, shelter and their essential peptide supplement that prevents and fights off diseases and improves overall health.

Dr. Amina Mohamed, the Cabinet Secretary for Education in Kenya, challenged academic institutions to increase their intake in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) courses at the 15th convocation ceremony of the Aga Khan University. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

DXA Studio, a New York based architecture and design firm, is designing an orphanage community development on a 17-acre site in Zambia. The site will host a variety of programs including a chapel, school, health clinic, orphanage homes, a sports field and administration buildings. It is scheduled to open in summer of 2020.

Grant Professionals Association will celebrate The 5th annual International Grant Professionals Day on Friday, March 8th. Local chapters can access the resource center for proclamation sample letters, partner applications, and recognition letter templates. 

Footage Foundation will be presenting an interactive event entitled “Hear Her”  at the 63rd Annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Doctors Without Borders is providing free, remote psychological support to patients on the Pacific island nation of Nauru, including local people and asylum seekers and refugees.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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