12.2.19 NC News

Dec 2, 2019 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Wells Fargo awards $225,000 to support communities affected by Hurricane Dorian, United Arts Council has named Charles Phaneuf the organization's next president, WGU North Carolina offers new Salute to the Armed Forces Scholarships, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Wells Fargo will award $225,000 in grants to support communities affected by Hurricane Dorian in Northeastern North Carolina. The donations are part of the $750,000 in donations announced by the company in September.

Former SECU Foundation Board member and current SECU Advisory Board volunteer Michael Clements (fourth from right) presents ceremonial grant check to ARCA representatives.

A $1 million grant from the member-funded SECU Foundation will complete the capital fundraising campaign for the nonprofit, Addiction Recovery Care Association, Inc., to finish the renovation of its new campus in Winston-Salem. 

The Pamlico County Community Foundation awarded $1,400 in local grant awards from its community grantmaking fund. This year the board granted: $700 to the Community Coalition Against Family Violence/Promise Place for Pamlico transportation assistance; and $700 to Girls on the Run of Pamlico County for general operating support.

The Jones County Community Foundation awarded $2,190 in local grant awards from its community grantmaking fund. This year the board granted: $690 to the Maysville United Methodist Church “Feed My Sheep” program for general operating support; $800 to the Comfort Fire Department for first responder service expansion; $700 to the Jones County Public Library for building STEM skills in Jones County.

The Carteret Community Foundation awarded $64,460 in local grant awards from its community grantmaking fund, J. O. and Ruth Barbour Memorial Fund for Elementary Education in Carteret County, J. O. and Ruth Barbour Memorial Fund for Wildlife Habitat Conservation and Pearl’s Pantry Fund.

The Avery Community Foundation awarded $3,460 in local grant awards from its community grantmaking fund. This year the board granted: $900 to the Blue Ridge Partnership for Children for building early literacy skills; $686 to the Children’s Hope Alliance for the Supporting Success program, helping residential youth succeed; $500 to the Mountain Alliance for the Mountain Alliance’s Avery County Teen Leadership Development and After-school Support Program; $687 to Spirit Ride Inc. for scholarship funding; $687 to the YMCA of Avery County for the Chapman Teen Center.

The Wilkes Community Foundation awarded $6,340 in local grant awards from its community grantmaking fund and the Kyle Hayes Memorial Endowment. This year the board granted: $500 to the Autism Society of North Carolina for autism resource specialists in Wilkes County; $1,000 to CAPT/Our House for the child abuse prevention team and Our House general operational support; $500 to the Hospital Hospitality House of Winston Salem (SECU Family House) for the SECU Family House Family Assistance Fund; $1,000 to Moravian Falls Elementary School for the We Read Together program; $500 to the Samaritan Kitchen of Wilkes, Inc for general operating support; $500 to the Unified City Church for the Feed the Kids project; $2,340 to the Wilkes Adult Developmental Activity Program, Inc. for the Wilkes Works Refresh program.

News about people, groups

United Arts Council has named Charles Phaneuf the organization’s next president, succeeding current president Eleanor Oakley who is retiring after 18 years at United Arts. Charles will assume the presidency of the United Arts Council on February 6, 2020.

From left to right: Arts of the Pamlico Executive Director Debra Torrence, NC Rural Center President Patrick Woodie, Lead for North Carolina Fellow Berekia Divanga, City Councilman Brooks, Mayor Mac Hodges, City Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem Virginia Finnerty, City Manager Jonathan Russell, and NC Rural Center Board Chair Grant Godwin.

Washington, North Carolina, was named as the 2019 Small Town of the Year by the NC Rural Center at this year’s NC Rural Assembly, held in Raleigh on November 21st and 22nd. The award recognizes a town that embraces citizen engagement, values diversity, and fosters strong partnerships.

North Carolina Commissioner ToNola Brown-Bland has been appointed as treasurer of National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.

Airlie Gardens’ Enchanted Airlie unveiled the opening of their 15th season on November 29th and 30th. Showings continue December 6th through 22nd.

The Durham Rescue Mission hosted its 45th Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner on Thursday, November 28th, feeding 1,348 homeless, hungry, and needy men, women, and children of the Triangle, with help of 569 volunteers. 380 Meals on Wheels dinners were also delivered.

The North Carolina Department of Information Technology was honored by NC TECH at its 2019 Awards Gala on Thursday, November 21st, in Raleigh.

Bank of America has invested over $1 million across the Triangle this year to support various efforts, including community development, basic human needs and workforce development. Bank of America recently organized a Community Blitz in which 115 Bank of America employees visited local nonprofits across the Triangle to thank them for the work they do, see the impact Bank of America funding and support has on these partners and get even more engaged in the nonprofit’s work.

News about opportunities, initiatives

WGU North Carolina is offering new Salute to the Armed Forces Scholarships. The scholarships are worth up to $3,000 toward a bachelor’s or master’s degree in IT, business, healthcare, or K–12 education. Open to U.S. military veterans, active-duty service members, reservists, and military family members newly enrolling in a WGU degree program, scholarships will be awarded at the rate of $750 per six-month term, for up to two years. Applications are now being accepted through December 31, 2019.

Regional program applications are now being accepted for Leadership Triangle. Over the course of 4 months, this program develops leadership skills while connecting participants to other key leaders and issues that face the Region.

Lo-fi jazz vocalist MercuryCarter will be at Mint Museum Uptown for a free show, as part of their Live at the Mint series, on December 4th at 6:00 pm.

The Durham Rescue Mission is in need of 15,000 new and unwrapped toys and games for the boys and girls attending the Durham Rescue Mission’s Annual Christmas Community Dinner and Toy Give-away at noon on December 23rd. Toys may be dropped off at 1201 E Main Street, Durham or online before Monday, December 16th.

The Winston-Salem Foundation’s One-Stop Scholarship Application portal for the 2020-2021 school year opens on December 15th. Most merit-based scholarship applications are due by March 15th.

NC Warn will host their third webinar, Energy Justice NC Virtual Campaign Meet-up, on Monday, December 9th at 7:00 pm.

The Orange County Arts Commission, in collaboration with The Gold Family and its partner, Hedgehog Holdings, seeks to activate Hillsborough’s historic Eno River Mill through the arts, providing a critical need for the creative community of Orange County, as well as generating economic impact for the surrounding area. This undertaking will take place in phases, beginning with move-in-ready studio spaces, and eventually providing performing arts space, arts-retail space, and a variety of maker spaces. Tours of the space will be offered Thursday, December 5th at 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm.  

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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