12.10.18 NC News

Dec 10, 2018 | News, Philanthropy Journal, Uncategorized

Trustees of The Duke Endowment approve $5 million for Hurricane Florence relief, Raleigh ranks ninth in the nation for volunteering, Chester County Fund for Women and Girls opens applications for their Core Grants Program, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The North Carolina Community Foundation reached more than $270 million in assets and more than $145 million in cumulative grantmaking during its milestone 30th year.

The Industrial Commons will receive a $1 million grant  in the Communities Thrive Challenge — an effort to expand economic opportunity for low-income and financially insecure people and communities across the country from The Rockefeller Foundation and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The Morganton-based organization is one of 10 grantees — from nine states and Puerto Rico — selected because of their demonstrated success and potential for future impact.

The Duke Endowment will award $5 million to support communities in the Carolinas that were impacted by Hurricane Florence.

Duke University Libraries received $10 million in support of the planned renovation and expansion of Lilly Library.

News about people, groups

Raleigh is ninth in the nation for volunteering, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service’s latest ranking.

Housing for New Hope celebrated the renovation of their property located at 1404 Holloway Street, Durham. Previously known as the Dove House, Holloway Place will be an affordable housing co-living space option for single women making at or below 30% area median income.

The Barnabas Network elected new board members: Bethany Duggins, a community volunteer; Dawn Martin, president of Martin Writers Group; and David Worth, CEO of Worth Industries.

Dr. Mark A. Sorrells, Senior Vice President of the The Golden LEAF Foundation and its longest serving staff member, will leave Golden LEAF at the end of December to join Fayetteville Technical Community College as Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Services.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation is seeking to invest directly in young innovators, change makers, visionaries, entrepreneurs and risk takers between the ages of 21 and 35 with bold ideas for how to make a difference in North Carolina and its communities.

CHRISTALine Studios is devoting 20% of the proceeds from the sale of their products to support the Studios’ WIGwell initiativewhich provides free custom wigs to women experiencing medically-related hair loss.

The Guilford Nonprofit Consortium‘s Holiday Invitational Show is now open and runs through January 4th. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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