News about grants, gifts
Youth Grantmakers in Action recently accepted a $5,000 grant check from Mo Green, executive director of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, to support youth-led projects in Forsyth County this spring.
GSK and Triangle Community Foundation granted ten local nonprofit organizations a $40,000 GSK IMPACT Award for improving health outcomes in the Triangle region.
Phillips Foundation provided catalytic capital to Partners Ending Homelessness from 2013-2016, through United Way of Greater Greensboro, in grant support totaling $1.96 million. Because of this seed funding, Guilford County’s chronic homelessness count dropped from 143 cases to 3.
News about people, groups
On November 16th, Asheville Affiliates hosted a Climate City Soiree, featuring books from local authors, a silent auction and raffle, and more, to benefit The Collider,
NCPIRG Education Fund hosted a media event entitled “No Bees, No Thanksgiving” on November 14th including NC Senator Mike Woodward.
The Alzheimer’s Association – Western Carolina Chapter announced launched its Direct Connect Referral Program. This free service is designed to work together with physicians and other healthcare professionals to ensure that individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias receive the appropriate care and resources needed to improve their quality of life.
Junior Achievement of Eastern North Carolina, announced its new board officers and board members. Board directors serve a three-year term, and officers serve a two-year term in their respective roles.
AFP Triangle held its 2017 National Philanthropy Day celebration on November 16th at Brier Creek Country Club.
The NC Office of State Human Resources presented 12 individuals with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence at an awards ceremony sponsored by the SECU Foundation.
North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall will release the 2016-2017 Annual N.C. Charitable Solicitation Report November 21st.
Scrap Exchange’s new Reuse Arts District in the Lakewood-Tuscaloosa neighborhood of Durham opened Freeman’s Creative craft supply shop on November 10th.
The Hispanic League hosted the second concert from its Colorful Sounds series showcasing the Lorena Guillen Tango Ensemble at the Old Salem Visitor Center in Winston-Salem on November 16th.
Dr. Ben Hancock will retire as president of Methodist University at the end of May 2018. Dr. Hancock has been president since March 2011, and he is currently leading the institution through a second five-year Strategic Plan.
News about opportunities, initiatives
Applications for the Community Foundation of Henderson County Women in Need of Support grants are due to CFHC by 5 p.m., Friday, December 15th.
Google will hold two free training programs on their suite of tools for nonprofits on November 30th at Google Fiber in Raleigh.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to