11.12.18 NC News

Nov 12, 2018 | News, Philanthropy Journal

Currituck-Dare Community Foundation and Currituck-Dare Women's Fund award $25,405 in local grants, Arlan Hamilton of Backstage Capital speaks at the Innovate Raleigh Summit, and Communities in Schools of Durham seeks volunteers for Durham Performance Learning Center, and more.

News about grants, gifts 

North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell CPA, presented Laura Owen, CEO of Hospice of Davidson County, with a check from the state’s unclaimed property fund owed to the nonprofit totaling $4,811.31.

The boards of advisors of both the Currituck-Dare Community Foundation and Currituck-Dare Women’s Fund awarded $25,405 in local grants.

Bailey’s Fine Jewelry recently raised $5,000 through a portion of sales for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina for hurricane relief efforts.

News about people, groups

Red Grasso of the North Carolina Department of Information Technology has been named chairman of the new Disaster Response and Recovery Working Group of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee within the Federal Communications Commission.

Urban Ministries of Wake County’s Stone Soup Supper will be held Tuesday, November 13th from 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM at the McKimmon Center.

The Unity Fellowship will begin training its second cohort of Triangle nonprofit Executive Directors and social impact professionals starting this January, preceded by an announcement of the cohort’s participants on December 15th.

The Potters of the Piedmont Pottery Festival is held each spring and fall at the Leonard Recreation Center, 6324 Ballinger Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410. The fall festival was held Saturday November 10th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 

Don’t Waste Durham is working with a group of graduate students from NC State University on a project about the future of reuse systems. Please click to take the students’ survey.

Arlan Hamilton of Backstage Capital spoke at the Innovate Raleigh Summit on November 9th.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals Triangle chapter honored Brenda Gibson for her exemplary work in philanthropy. 

Read and Feed has become the latest local nonprofit agency to earn a nationwide Points of Light Service Enterprise Certification through the Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center which is taking applications for the next round of Service Enterprise Initiative training.

The Winston-Salem Foundation released new priorities for community investment focus areas.

WGU North Carolina, part of the national nonprofit online Western Governors University, has hired Jason Caldwell, D.M. and Cindy Garcia, Ed.D. as strategic partnerships managers, and Glenn Gillen, APR as public relations manager.

In conjunction with Campbell University Public Health students, Special Olympics North Carolina hosted Harnett County’s first MedFest at Overhills High School.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Share the Pie is looking for volunteers to help provide Thanksgiving meals for less fortunate families. Share the Pie is the Thanksgiving pie fundraiser supporting the joint mission of Alliance Medical Ministry and StepUp Ministry, working together to build stable families through accessible healthcare and employment. 

As part of the Susan G. Komen NC Triangle to the Coast Foundation’s 5th Annual Finding Solutions Through Science, Scholars and Survivors Research Luncheon on Thursday, November 29th, a nominated survivor/thriver will receive the Maureen Thomas Jordan Spirit of Survivorship Award. Nominations must be received by Friday, November 19th. Please click here to fill out the form.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Services is launching both a capital campaign and a brand repositioning that will speak to the agency’s stance on becoming defenders of potential for the children they serve.

ArtsGreensboro is accepting nominations for the 2019 O.Henry Lifetime Award. Nomination forms are available at https://form.jotform.com/82684374918976. Nominations, including up to five letters of support, are due to ArtsGreensboro no later than 5 PM on Friday, November 9th.

Hill Learning Center is seeking well-qualified tutors for its tutoring program. Hill tutors are trained in our methodology and use it, as applicable, along with best practices to provide tutoring support in individual or group sessions.

A month-long fundraising campaign beginning Nov. 1 to boost community grantmaking that supports local nonprofit organizations has jointly begun under The Carteret Community FoundationThe Pamlico County Community Foundation,The Craven County Community Foundation, The Greene County Community FoundationThe Jones County Community FoundationThe Lenoir County Community Foundation,  The Brunswick County Community FoundationThe Columbus County Community FoundationThe Duplin County Community FoundationThe New Hanover County Community FoundationThe Onslow Caring Communities Foundation, and The Robeson County Community Foundation.

Communities in Schools of Durham is seeking volunteers for Durham Performance Learning Center.

The Durham Rescue Mission is in urgent need of turkeys and hams to be prepared at its Annual Community Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners for homeless and hurting men, women, and children. It is asking the community to help provide 250 turkeys and 250 hams.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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