News about grants, gifts
The SECU Foundation awarded a $150,000 challenge grant in support of a regional breast cancer study to the Susan G. Komen affiliates in North Carolina. The initiative is a two-year effort, with Komen NC Triangle to the Coast and Komen NC Charlotte joining forces to collect data in support of a new community-based program for cancer care.
The North Carolina Community Foundation provided $1 million in grant to fund programs supporting long-term recovery in 13 of the communities hardest hit by Hurricane Florence.
The Orange County Arts Commission (OCAC) named all recipients of its 2019-20 Grassroots Arts Program and Artist Project Grants. The OCAC awarded forty-three grants to sixteen artists, fifteen nonprofit organizations, and twelve schools, totaling $60,503. Click here for a full list of the grant recipients.
The North Carolina Peace Corps Association seeks candidates for its annual North Carolina Peace Prize. Click here for more information on the prize and accompanying $1,000 check.
The Avery Community Foundation is currently accepting grant applications for community programs funded from the Dewey Wells Citizenship Fund. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, November 19th. Click here to apply.
News about people, groups
Josh Crane joined The Winston-Salem Foundation Committee, the Foundation’s primary governing body.

As a former pastor, Crites is described as a “compassionate leader who can build authentic relationships with staff and volunteers.”
Garry Crites joined NAMI North Carolina as the organization’s new executive director. Crites joins NAMI after a career at Duke University where he worked in both the Talent Identification Program and led the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Laura Brod Hameed is the new executive director of the Columbus Children’s Foundation. Ms. Hameed brings two decades of experience in bioscience, non-profit, higher education and state government to her new role. Most recently, Ms. Hameed served as Chief Executive Officer of RoverMed BioSciences. Prior to joining RoverMed, Ms. Hameed was Chief Executive Officer of GeneSegues Therapeutics.
The Burning Coal Theatre Company in Raleigh will present Camelot from Thursday, December 5th to Sunday, the 22nd. Click here for tickets.
The annual Carolinas Planning Giving Conference released a “save the date” for their 2020 conference: Monday, April 27th to Wednesday April 29th.
News about opportunities, initiatives
Registration is now open for the 2019 Conference for North Carolina’s Nonprofits to be held in Winston-Salem on Wednesday, December 4th and Thursday, December 5th. Click here for registration information.
The Center for Craft will hold a public grand reopening event on Saturday November 16th for their new National Craft Innovation Hub in Asheville. Click here to RSVP.

The study provided access to media resources focused on science and engineering concepts to help children living in low-income households learn.
UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina, Education Development Center, and SRI International partnered to release the new study Early Science and Engineering: The Impact of The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! on Learning. Click here for full access to the report.
On Saturday, November 23rd, Activate Good will host Family Volunteer Day, a day of service that celebrates the power of families who volunteer together while supporting their local communities around the Triangle. Click here for registration information.
The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation released their All For NC: Framework for Grantmaking and Learning Year in Review 2018-2019 report. Click here to download the full report.
The Raleigh Arts Commission Grant will hold arts grant workshops on Wednesday, November 20th and Saturday, 23rd in Raleigh. Applications are due Friday, January 3rd. Click here to register for the workshops or for more information about the grant.
The Croatan Institute and Divest Invest Philanthropy released Divest Invest Philanthropy: Five Years after Launch, a report documenting “the progress of the nearly 200 foundations around the world that have pledged to transition their investments from fossil fuels to a cleaner energy future.” Click here to read the report.
Urban Ministries of Wake County will host their annual Stone Soup Supper on Thursday, November 14th in Raleigh. Click here for tickets.
If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to