10.30.17 US Nonprofit News

Oct 30, 2017 | News, Philanthropy Journal

The Barr Foundation welcomes Sue Tierney and Lee Pelton as members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, applications are open through January 31st for KidsGardening's newest grant opportunity, Budding Botanist, General Motors to contribute $5 million to the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation to help launch innovative experiences through new exhibitions and programs, and more.

News about grants, gifts

SONIC Drive-In completed its ninth annual Limeades for Learning fall voting campaign on October 22nd, and the campaign funded $1 million to 1,936 public school teacher projects over the four-week period.

Thanks to a combination of regional grants, public funding, and unprecedented private funding and donations, The Eagles Renovation Project, a project of The Honeywell Foundation, was able to renovate their historic theatre, incorporate new arts programming, create dual high school/college credit courses in audio and visual media recording and editing, and build multipurpose classrooms with state-of-the-art equipment.

General Motors is contributing $5 million to the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation to help launch innovative experiences through new exhibitions and programs. 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration awarded a $1.39 million grant to Florida International University Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences to implement the Advanced Nursing Education Workforce program.

The Theatre Communications Group awarded a total of $1,051,000 to 27 productions through the second round of its 2017 Edgerton Foundation New Play Awards. 

Lumina Foundation awarded a $750,000 grant to the Los Angeles-based nonprofit campaign WorkingNation to support original video and digital journalism that increases awareness and understanding about the future of work.

The Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS awarded $331,500 to support 31 national nonprofits working daily to provide care, education services, counseling, housing, and more to thousands of individuals impacted by HIV/AIDS. 

News about people, groups

Puerto Rico residents and Act 20/22 decree investors Toby Neugebauer and Charlie Hamilton formed a long-term partnership with microfinance organization Grameen America to support women entrepreneurs. The investors will fund a loan portfolio making available over $16 million in low-interest microloans.

The Barr Foundation officially welcomed Sue Tierney and Lee Pelton as members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, marking a significant milestone for the organization.

National Charity League, Inc. (NCL) formed a new strategic alliance with the American Heart Association‘s Go Red For Women national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women for the NCL’s Love Your Heart Campaign.

Subaru of America partnered with PFLAG to support PFLAG’s Cultivating Respect: Safe Schools for All program and its Top Ten Ways to Keep Schools Safe publication.

The Women’s Philanthropy Institute released the findings of its annual study, Women Give 2017, investigating the connection between life satisfaction and charitable giving funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

On October 22nd-24th, more than 400 leaders from nonprofit Jewish camps and other organizations will gather in Springfield, Massachusetts to attend JCamp 180‘s, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, 13th annual conference.

Barrett-Jackson raised $1 million for Las Vegas first responders during its 10th Annual Las Vegas Auction, held October 19th-21st at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. 

Friends For Life Animal Shelter and Sanctuary in Houston mobilized its disaster-trained staff and volunteers to deliver pet food, blankets, leashes, crates, and veterinary care to the George R. Brown Convention Center, where 10,000 people displaced by floodwaters were permitted to evacuate with their pets during Hurricane Harvey. 

The Parkinson’s Foundation announced its merger with the Melvin Yahr International Parkinson’s Disease Foundation on October 26th. The Parkinson’s Foundation will honor Dr. Yahr’s legacy by establishing the “Dr. Melvin Yahr Research Award” to promote leadership diversity in Parkinson’s research. 

Subway named John C. Scott vice president of Global Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. Scott will oversee the global agenda for an integrated sustainability and CSR program in collaboration with all departments and partners in the Subway family.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals named Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA, as its new president and chief executive officer, effective November 1st. Geiger previously served for seven years as executive director and chief operating officer of the Chief Executives Organization, Inc. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

All proceeds from the sale of Roger Street Friedman’s “No Safe Place” will be donated to the UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, and other groups that provide direct aid to refugees. Donors download the song for $1 through his “One Million Downloads for Safety” campaign.

The Jim Joseph Foundation will invest $23.7 million in 21 organizations following a Request for Proposal process to address two critical areas in Jewish education: Educator Professional Development and Leadership Development.  The grant periods begin now and will continue into 2020 and 2021.

Gov. John Hickenlooper and Skillful launched the Governor’s Coaching Corps, a program designed to bring together talented career coaching professionals who will help Colorado job seekers navigate the challenges of a labor market being rapidly transformed by technology.

Moleskin launched The Moleskine Foundation, a part of the brand’s developing CSR focus, to provide youth with unconventional educational tools and experiences that help foster critical thinking, creativity, and life-long learning, focusing on communities affected by cultural and social deprivation.

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual, global initiative challenging violence against women and girls that runs from November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to December 10th (International Human Rights Day). This year Footage Foundation will participate by focusing on the experiences of women displaced by violence and conflict.

Applications are open through January 31st for KidsGardening‘s newest grant opportunity, Budding Botanist. Each of the six grant recipients will receive a package of tools and educational materials valued at $500 along with a check for $2,500 to spend on the materials needed to install a new or expand an existing school garden.

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation released its full celebrity lineup for this year’s 9th annual Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show and announced its Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy Award winners. The fashion show will be held on November 11th at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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