10.29.18 NC News

Oct 29, 2018 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The 2018 Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk raises more than $500,000, twenty individuals receive the Governor’s Awards for Excellence, ArtsGreensboro is now accepting nominations for the 2019 O. Henry Lifetime Award, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The 2018 Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk, held on Sunday, October 14, brought 5,000 dedicated supporters and local heart disease and stroke survivors together to raise more than $500,000 for heart disease and stroke research and prevention education.

Blue Cross NC awarded $300,000 to Susan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast and Susan G. Komen Charlotte in support of Komen’s Breast Cancer Treatment Assistance Program within their respective affiliate service areas.

The board of advisors of the Duplin Foundation for Youth Advancement awarded 12 grants totaling $48,283 to local organizations from the community grantmaking fund.

The Futrell-Mauldin Community Foundation for Greater Rocky Mount and the Edgecombe Charitable Foundation recently announced $90,980 in local grant awards from their respective community grant making funds.

United Way of Henderson County announced their 2019-2020 funding timeline, including specifics on applications for funding and competitive grants in the areas of Education, Income, and Health. Programs providing Basic Needs and Crisis Services will also be considered for funding. Applications will be accepted every other year, with grant awards covering a two year period.

Local grant awards, $12,260 in total, from the Wilson County Community Foundation grant making fund were recently awarded to several North Carolina nonprofit programs.

Camp Corral received a donation of $1,820,658 from Golden Corral at its annual convention in San Francisco. The funds, raised through Golden Corral’s annual in-restaurant fundraising campaign, will assist with providing a free week of summer camp for the children of wounded, injured, ill or fallen military service members.

News about people, groups

Twenty individuals were recently honored with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence at a ceremony hosted by the Office of State Human Resources and sponsored by the member-funded SECU Foundation. The 2018 Governor’s Awards for Excellence recipients include: Customer Service – Michael Last (University of North Carolina at Wilmington); Efficiency and Innovation– Brian Maney (University of North Carolina, System Office); Team of Robert Leon, Tony Danks, Tracey L. Goodwin, Tass W. Jansen, Sharon Jones, Jamie Lamar Murphy, and William G. Robbins, II (Department of Public Safety/Correction Enterprises); Dane Johnston (North Carolina State University); David Josephus (North Carolina State University); Human Relations – Tanya J. Dearmon (Department of Revenue); Outstanding State Government Service – Roy Jackson Marshall, III (Department of Natural and Cultural Resources);Public Service – A. Michelle Bryant (Department of Public Safety); Paula C. Gillikin (Department of Environmental Quality); Safety and Heroism Dwight L. Braswell (Department of Public Safety), Rick Dickerson (Department of Health and Human Services), Megan Kathleen Hess (Department of Public Safety), Cory M. Hinkle (Department of Public Safety, National Guard), David Setser (North Carolina State University).

The Orange County Arts Commission and the Hillsborough Arts Council announced the winners of their 2nd Annual Paint it Orange Plein Air Paint-Out. Thirty-nine painters from four states participated in the painting competition, with Carrboro, NC resident Ben Hamburger’s “Finely’s Shed” taking first place.

Community School of the Arts is kicking off a new, exciting phase for the 50-year old organization with a rebranding. Community School of the Arts is now Arts+.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper honored Dr. and Mrs. Ernie Mills with The Order of the Long Leaf Pine award at the Durham Rescue Mission’s annual fundraising banquet celebrating Dr. Ernie Mills’s 50th anniversary in rescue missions ministry. Over 600 honored guests, dignitaries, donors, Mission staff, and clients attended the banquet and witnessed both Dr. & Mrs. Mills receiving North Carolina’s highest civilian honor.

Alliance Medical Ministry and StepUp Ministry announced the beginning of Share the Pie, their annual fundraiser to build stable families through access to employment and healthcare. In 2017 they raised $78,000 and in 2018 their goal is to sell 3,000 pies and raise $100,000.

News about opportunities, initiatives

AFP NC Triad Chapter and Guilford NonProfit Consortium will host the Navigating Negotiations: More Money & More Mission webinar on Thursday, November 8 at 8:30 am and again at 12:00 pm.

Duke University‘s Foundation Impact Research Group will host Ford Foundation‘s Hilary Pennington for their final seminar of the fall semester. The seminar, titled “Organizing for Impact in a Changing World Order,” is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14 at 4:00 pm in the Rhodes Conference Room, Sanford Building.

The 2019 O. Henry Lifetime Award, granted by ArtsGreensboro, is now accepting nominations for award recipients. This award, given jointly by the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce and ArtsGreensboro annually, recognizes an individual’s outstanding contributions to the arts and cultural development of the community throughout their lifetime.

National Philanthropy Day 2018, hosted by AFP NC Triad Chapter, will be held Thursday, November 15 at 6:00 pm. This event showcases effective philanthropy, inspiring new ideas and initiatives that strengthen our community.

The NC Rural Center will host the Community Allies for Disaster Recovery pre-conference from 8:30 am-1:15 pm on Thursday, November 15. The conference will bring local, grassroots, and municipal leaders together with key agency leads to build partnerships and plan for a robust and responsive long-term recovery in North Carolina. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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