10.24.16 US Nonprofit News

Oct 24, 2016 | News, Philanthropy Journal

Legal Services of the Hudson Valley held its 3rd Annual Dutchess Partners in Justice Reception at Locust Grove Estate in New York with 225 attendees at this year's event. Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC) was awarded a two-year, $1.2 million grant by The Kendeda Fund to support local coalitions and other programs of ECC, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Detroit Friendship House received a grant from the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan‘s Healthy Food Connect initiative; the grant will support a multi-cultural children’s community garden.

Detroit Friendship House's multi-cultural children's community garden

Detroit Friendship House’s multi-cultural children’s community garden

JPMorgan Chase and Co. committed $75 million over the next three years to support women, minority and veteran-owned small businesses, including a $1.9 million grant to the Association for Enterprise Opportunity to support its programs to connect small business owners with alternative funding sources when they are unable to qualify for traditional loans.

Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts, a program of Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts received a $1 million gift from Dr. Shashikant “Shashi” Gupta and Mrs. Margaret Gupta.

Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC) was awarded a two-year, $1.2 million grant by The Kendeda Fund to support local coalitions and other programs of ECC.

The Chicago-based Terra Foundation for American Art announced a long-term partnership to support the digitization of the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art collections. The foundation also made a $4.5 million commitment to the Archives, $4 million of which is a challenge grant to be matched by the Smithsonian, and the remaining $500,000 provides operating support for the current digitization program.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. will donate $20 million for five community development organizations working to create economic opportunity in disadvantaged neighborhoods. 

10-24-16-disney_revisedThe Walt Disney Company committed $500,000  to establish a new scholarship program with the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund in support of high-achieving Asian and Pacific Islander college students.

Wells Fargo & Company gave $6 million in neighborhood revitalization donations with 56 grants to nonprofits through the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation 2016 Priority Markets Program. 

The Head Start Innovation Fund Collaborative of Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan will invest nearly $6.2 million to support innovation and high-quality programs and services at local Head Start agencies serving thousands of young children and their families.

Artist Trust awarded $91,000 to 61 Washington State artists working in literary, media, performing, and visual arts as part of the organization’s annual Grants for Artists Projects.

The Museum of Science and Bloomberg Philanthropies announced a $50 million gift. The endowment will support and name the Museum’s Education Division the William and Charlotte Bloomberg Science Education Center.

News about people, groups

Rachelle Arizmendi, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of PACE

Rachelle Arizmendi, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of PACE

Rachelle Arizmendi, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE), was elected to the League of California Cities Board of Directors and to the League of California Cities Asian Pacific Islander Caucus Board of Directors.

Give a Note Foundation, has launched a “Music Ed Matters” campaign to encourage student groups and other donors to raise $50,000 by December 31 to provide resources and grants to under-served school music programs.

Waltonwood Cary Parkway hosted Pink Out! on October 21st, in honor of breast cancer awareness month; proceeds benefited the Kay Yow Cancer Fund.

The Sierra Club Foundation hired a new Executive Director, Dan Chu, who previously led the Sierra Club’s efforts to protect public lands.

Mercy Ships hosted Cargo day on October 19th, to support the nonprofit’s work of providing medical care in the poorest countries of the world.

Legal Services of the Hudson Valley held its 3rd Annual Dutchess Partners in Justice Reception at Locust Grove Estate in New York with 225 attendees at this year’s event. 

Opening Ceremony for Family Promise Fort Bend Day Center in Houston (PRNewsFoto/HomeAid America)

Family Promise has partnered with HomeAid, the relationship will allow Family Promise Affiliates nationwide to be considered for HomeAid building projects in communities where the two organizations share a presence as well as create opportunities to explore expansion in new markets.

John Wanda, vice president of finance at Chapman Cubine and Hussey, and his wife, Joyce, received the National Caring Award presented by The Caring Institute at a ceremony held on October 22nd, in Orlando, Florida.

Every Child Matters and Children’s Advocacy Alliance hosted a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 17th, to discuss the need for new federal and state policies that address opportunity gaps that exist for America’s children.

The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program  has recognized Parkland Health & Hospital System as one of 60 ACS NSQIP participating hospitals that have achieved meritorious outcomes for surgical patient care. 

10-24-16-cummings-foundation_revisedThe Cummings Foundation named Laurie Gabriel as a community trustee for the organization.  

The Clinton Foundation launched “Behind the Numbers,” a multimedia feature celebrating 15 years of impact through its initiatives and affiliated entities. 

Aramark and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities honored Nancy Biberman, president and founder of Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation, with the 2016 Peter B. Goldberg Aramark Building Community Executive Leadership Award in recognition of her dedication to establishing affordable housing and vibrant communities. The award includes a $40,000 grant.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The Urban Institute in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs will host the 2016 Paul Offner Lecture on November 3rd, in Washington, DC. 

From November 4th-6th, 48 New York nonprofits will be the first beneficiaries of 48in48‘s hackathon-style event, when volunteer digital professionals will work together to revamp the online presence of organizations focused on social issues, education, and the arts.

On November 12, Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites will unveil three newly-renovated core science, culture and history galleries as part of a new plan to transform the museum with new technology. 

10-24-16-carefirst_revisedCareFirst BlueCross BlueShield and the National Association of County and City Health Officials will hold a webcast Monday, Oct. 24 on how Baltimore achieved a remarkable turnaround in lowering infant mortality rates for the city. 

Call of Duty Endowment and Snowball Express announced a partnership with GameStop that will raise funds to help support U.S. military veterans and their families. From October 21 to November 15, GameStop will invite customers to donate $1, $5 or $10 at the point-of-purchase in support of the two charities.

Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco will host Framing the Future 2016 featuring speaker Danny Glover on November 4th, in San Francisco, California.

Move America Forward will accept donations for its Operation Mail Call campaign which raises funds to send troops care packages. 

Bank of America partnered with Feeding America for Give A Meal, which will help Gleaners Community Food Bank and Forgotten Harvest to reduce food insecurity in Southeastern Michigan; donations will be accepted through December 31st online. 

Corporation for Enterprise Development will host a webinar —Best Practices for City and Countywide CSA Program Development— on October 28th.

Registration is now open for the Council on Foundations’ 2017 Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, April 23-26, 2017.


If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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