News about grants, gifts
United Way of Henderson County’s Small Business League (SBL) selected Apple Country Transit to receive funds raised from designations made by SBL member companies. Funds will be “used to purchase bus passes for transportation to employment, job interviews and other job related functions.”

Cheslie Kryst, Miss USA, was the keynote speaker for the event.
Dress for Success Triangle raised more than $87,000 at its latest luncheon. Approximately 400 people were in attendance, including Miss USA, Cheslie Kryst; Former NC Governor, The Honorable Beverly Perdue; and Dress for Success Triangle founder, Pat Nathan.
The Community Foundation of Henderson County offered over $550,00 via 108 new scholarship awards for the 2020-2021 academic year. Scholarship applications opened October 15th and will close December 15th. Click here for more information.
The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences distributed $2.4 million in grants to 56 science centers across the state to “sustain and advance one of the most diverse and widespread networks of science museums in the country.”
The Catalyst program at NC State’s The Science House was awarded a $15,000 Powerful Communities grant from the Duke Energy Foundation to “help high school students with disabilities advance along science, technology, engineering and mathematics pathways, particularly as related to postsecondary educational attainment and career entry.”
News about people, groups

Rocha-Goldberg is the first Latinx Durham Tech board member.
Pilar Rocha-Goldberg, president and CEO of El Centro Hispano, joined the Durham Tech board of trustees.
The Land Trust Alliance selected Jane Difley for their Kingsbury Browne Conservation Leadership Award.
The National Association of State Chief Information Officers recognized two North Carolina agencies with State IT Recognition Awards: the N.C. Department of Public Safety’s Emergency Management Division and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Public Health.
Susan Heaton was named as the new CEO of Canines for Service.
Raleigh’s Peg O’Connell was recognized as the “Volunteer Advocate of the Year” by the American Heart Association.
News about opportunities, initiatives
The Caregivers Summit will be held on Tuesday, October 29th in Raleigh. Click here to register.

After retiring from Nabisco as director of worldwide organization development & training, Yena now works with over 100 nonprofits.
HandsOn Northwest North Carolina will present Karl Yena’s annual Board Basics Workshop on Thursday, October 24th in Winston-Salem. Click here for registration information.
SHIFT NC will host third third Sex Ed Storytelling event Monday, October 21st in Durham. Click here for tickets.
Registration is now open for the North Carolina Council of Charitable Gift Planners event Putting the Research into Practice: A Day with the Experts on Tuesday, November 5th in Kannapolis. Click here to register.
Raleigh Arts will host the Fall Arts Fair on Saturday, November 2nd at Fred Fletcher Park in Raleigh. Click here for details.
If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to