10.17.16 NC Nonprofit News

Oct 17, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The AJ Fletcher Foundation approved grants to eight nonprofit organizations, totaling $915,000, the Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership received a $108,000 charitable grant from GSK, Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge will host its 2016 Day with the Turkeys on November 26th, in Pittsboro, and more

News about grants, gifts

The AJ Fletcher Foundation approved grants to eight nonprofit organizations, totaling $915,000. Organizations include: Me Fine Foundation, North Carolina Arts Council Foundation, Public School Forum of North Carolina and Student U

GSK Kenan STEM Fellows

GSK Kenan STEM Fellows

The Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership received a $108,000 charitable grant from GSK to support six 2016–17 Kenan Fellows from the Wake County Public School System participating in nanotechnology research.

Davidson College received a $12 million gift over the next four years from The Duke Endowment to support recruitment, development and retention of college faculty.

ANSWER Scholarship received a $25,000 grant from The Leon Levine Foundation to help send mothers in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties to college.

News about people, groups

The NC NAACP, Democracy North Carolina, The Institute for Southern Studies, and Working Films held a sneak peak screening of Democracy for Sale at the Hayti Heritage Center in Durham on Oct 13th.

10-17-16-saf-revisedStudent Action with Farmworkers has partnered with Wake Forest School of Medicine – Department of Family and Community Medicine on a research study focused on child farmworkers in North Carolina.  

Prevention Partners hosted its third annual Healthy Together NC Summit in Research Triangle Park on October 4th.

The American Red Cross opened 24 shelters in North Carolina during the events of Hurricane Matthew. 

Triangle Nonprofit Communicators hosted its Instagram for Nonprofits luncheon on October 12th, in Raleigh.

Greensboro Urban Ministry volunteers braved two days of hurricane-related rain and collected close to 50,000 pounds of non-perishable items to help restock the agency’s Food Pantry shelves.

Sphinx Virtuosi

Sphinx Virtuosi

Community School of the Arts hosted a free concert by the Sphinx Virtuosi on October 12th, at the Mint Museum

Meredith College will hold a dedication and unveiling ceremony for the recently renovated Johnson Hall and new welcome center on October 19th;renovations were supported by a $3.5 million gift from the Jud Ammons family in honor of his late wife Meredith College alumna Jo Ellen Williams Ammons.

PNC Institutional Advisory Solutions appointed Pamela O. Dean as nonprofit solutions director; she will be responsible for increasing the company’s focus on endowments and foundations.

Benevolence Farm hosted the 4th Annual Second Chance Dine and Dance: A Taste of Benevolence Farm on October 13th at the Haw River Ballroom in Saxapahaw.

The Compass Center and Carolina Women’s Center presented a documentary on October 13th as an event of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

Habitat for Humanity Asheville dedicated 6 houses on October 14th in Hudson Hill, a subdivision in West Asheville. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

Regional employers will join Made in Durham partners for the inaugural Power of Partnership Summit on November 4th at the Museum Hotel in Durham.

The Triangle/Eastern NC Chapter of JDRF will hold its annual One Walk event on October 22nd at Coastal Federal Credit Union Music Park in Raleigh.

10-17-16-afp-triangle_originalSusan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast will accept applications for its community health grants program until December 1st.

AFP Triangle North Carolina Chapter will host a membership and Networking Pop Up on November 10th, in Durham.

The Mint Museum and Davidson College will host a Kindred Spirits Art and Food Outing on November 15th.

Until November 6th, rose bushes from Durham’s Witherspoon Rose Culture will be sold to benefit kids in Transitions Lifecare

The North Carolina Community Foundation is accepting online donations for its statewide Disaster Relief Fund to support relief efforts related to Hurricane Matthew in North Carolina.

Chapel Hill Carrboro Chamber of Commerce opened nominations are open for the 2016 Salute to Community Heroes presented by AT&T

Durham Rescue Mission is accepting donations for supplies to be donated to flood victims of Hurricane Matthew in Kinston, NC. 

Inter-Faith Council for Social Service will host its annual meeting on October 27th, at the United Church of Chapel Hill.

Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge Annual Day with the Turkeys

Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge Annual Day with the Turkeys

The 2016 Greater Triangle Area CROP Hunger Walk will be held on October 23rd, at Broughton High School in Raleigh.

Applications for Triangle Community Foundation‘s 2017 Innovation Award—a $25,000 grant to support creative solutions to community issues— will be accepted until November 11th.

Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge will host its 2016 Day with the Turkeys on November 26th, in Pittsboro.

Applications for the Knight Cities Challenge will be accepted until November 3rd; the challenge is an initiative of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Siba Mtongana, Global Impact Ambassador for Stop Hunger Now, will tour the United States until October 26th, to raise awareness of world hunger by stopping first in Raleigh, North Carolina and later appearing in New York, Atlanta, San Francisco and Las Vegas as part of the “How We Rise” tour.

The John William Pope Foundation will accept applications for the 2017 Joy W. Pope Memorial Grant in the Arts and the 2017 Joy W. Pope Memorial Grant in Human Services until October 24th.

The Guilford Green Foundation will host a masquerade ball, All Hallow’s Takeover, on October 29th, in Greensboro.

Triangle Family Services will host the 14th annual gingerbread benefit on December 1st, at The Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center in Research Triangle Park. 

Nominations will be accepted for the 2017 Business Support of the Arts Awards until November 28th; the awards will be sponsored by The Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County.

On October 20th, in Durham, Angel Oak Creative and ReCity Network in Durham will present The Million Dollar Miracle – a marketing/fundraising workshop on how to leverage branding, marketing, and media to transform fundraising efforts.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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