1.4.16 NC Nonprofit News

Jan 4, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Hearth Math Tutoring received a $25,000 grant from the Ribbon of Hope program, the Lucy Daniels Center raised approximately $100,000 during The Expressions V event to celebrate their 25th anniversary, AFP NC Triad Chapter announced its 2016 Webinar Series in partnership with the Guilford Nonprofit Consortium, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Heart Math Tutoring – a nonprofit group dedicated to helping students in high-poverty concentration schools develop math skills and academic confidence – received a $25,000 grant from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation’s Ribbon of Hope program to expand the volunteer math tutoring program to a new school site, growing from eight to 16 school sites in 2016-17.

In 2015, The Foundation for a Healthy High Point embarked on its first grantmaking efforts and began examining health issues in the community to identify opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of Greater High Point. The Foundation awarded $1,030,106 to 21 organizations in 2015 for a variety of health topics including behavioral health, physical activity, substance abuse, and teen pregnancy prevention.

News about people, groups

On Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015, the Durham Rescue Mission hosted their Annual Christmas Community Dinner with the help of over 500 volunteers. The homeless and needy enjoyed a traditional Christmas meal and volunteers handed out free bags of groceries and free clothing, including warm coats and toys for the children.

1.4 Passage HomePassage Home, in conjunction with sponsorship from Bayer, hosted a party on December 19 at the Chavis Heights Community Center in Raleigh to give parents of the Passage Home program participants a chance to get in the holiday spirit by wrapping gifts, provided by the organization’s Angel Tree program, to take home to their children. More than 160 moms and 62 dads participated this year. In addition, 31 families received Advent meals from Saint Francis, which included enough food to provide for families while children are not receiving lunches from school.

The Lucy Daniels Center held The Expressions V event on November 20th to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Lucy Daniels Center. The event raised approximately $100,000 to help support those families needing the Center’s programs.

Ernie and Gail Mills, Co-Founders of the Durham Rescue Mission, helped serve Christmas breakfast at 7 AM to men staying at the Durham Rescue Mission. In an effort to let addicted, homeless, and hurting men know they are loved and an important part of the “Mission Family,” it is a tradition that “Mom and Pop” Mills join them for a meal each year to celebrate Christmas.

The Interfaith Council for Social Service (IFC) hosted a New Year’s Eve benefit concert on Thursday, Dec. 31st at the United Church of Chapel Hill. The concert will help IFC to continue their mission.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The Association of Fundraising Professionals N.C. Triad Chapter announced its 2016 Webinar Series, which will include a partnership with the Guilford Nonprofit Consortium.

The Triangle Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals will host Philanthropy Forecast 2016 on January 25 in Cary.

1.4.16 DACJanuary 4th-8th, the Durham Arts Council‘s Winter Intersession Camp will take place. In addition, parents may sign their children up for the Afternoon Adventures program for a full day of fun.

Tom Arnold and Right at Home will launch the Wake County Eldercare channel on Jan. 4th.  The Wake County Eldercare Channel offers an interactive and multimedia platform to connect seniors who are seeking care for themselves, or adult children seeking care for their aging parents, with local senior care resources.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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