1.22.18 NC Nonprofit News

Jan 22, 2018 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

The Durham Arts Council's 2018 call for artists is now open, The Guilford Green Foundation chooses its next executive director, NCTech4Good is seeking presenters, and more.

News about grants, gifts

The Beehive Collective is currently accepting applications for their 2018 Small Grant. The grant awards $5,000 to one Raleigh non-profit that addresses women’s empowerment and leadership through services or advocacy. The deadline for submission is midnight on Thursday, February 15th.

Participants in the North Carolina Transmission Planning Collaborative have identified 17 major reliability transmission projects as part of the 2017-2027 Collaborative Transmission Plan for North Carolina. The projects represent more than $426 million in investments during the next decade.

Chiesi invested nearly $780,000 in corporate and employee donations in the Triangle community during the 2017 calendar year as part of in their Chiesi in the Community corporate social responsibility program. In addition, members of the Chiesi team provided about 1,150 volunteer hours to 81 community organizations.

Appalachian State University received a $5 million grant from The Leon Levine Foundation. In recognition of their generosity, Appalachian’s Board of Trustees in December approved naming the university’s newest facility the Leon Levine Hall of Health Sciences.

News about people, groups

Omari Hunt was named the winner of United Way of the Greater Triangle’s Idea Generation/ Next Social Innovation Challenge. Hunt’s business proposal, ‘The 7-Day Project’ would help seniors living below the national poverty line learn budgeting skills and make decisions affecting both their personal finances and retirement planning.

The Guilford Green Foundation Board of Directors has chosen Jennifer Ruppe as its next executive director. Ruppe began serving as the Executive Director on January 1st.

Stephanie Kripa Cooper-Lewter will begin work as the executive director of the Leading on Opportunity Council on February 20th. Stephanie will guide the work of the Council around the key focus areas of the Opportunity Task Force Report: early childhood education, college and career readiness, family stability, social capital and segregation.

 The Center of Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society will welcome Julie Sandorf, President of the Charles H. Revson Foundation, at their next Foundation Impact Research Group seminar on Wednesday, January 31st at 4:30.

Youth Global Advocacy (YAG), a Political Action Committee, was founded by North Carolina teenager Ryan Hubbard in November of 2017, with the goal of  providing young individuals with the opportunity and tools to gain experience and exposure to advocacy, political and non-political campaigns. By providing volunteer opportunities, mentoring activities and educational advisement, Ryan and YGA hope to end all stereotypical ideas that youth are not eligible nor effective in government, politics and social issues.

463 individuals are safe from the overnight cold and snow during the Durham Rescue Mission’s Operation RESCUE: Warm Shelter, with 41 sleeping on mats. Operation RESCUE: Warm Shelter will continue nightly as long as overnight lows continue to dip below freezing.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation named longtime president Kathy Higgins the organization’s full-time Chief Executive Officer. Higgins has been at the helm of the organization since its founding in 2000, overseeing the strategic investment of more than $122 million into North Carolina communities. 

News about opportunities, initiatives

Kiran is launching a Men Support Kiran social media campaign for 2018. The Men’s Support Kiran campaign is focused on highlighting the importance of domestic violence, male survivors, and spreading awareness about men who advocate for Kiran and their services.

Registration for 24 Foundation’s 17th Annual 24 Hours of Booty charity non-competitive cycling and walking event will open on Wednesday, January 24th at 8 a.m. The event, presented by Levine Cancer Institute, will take place from 7 p.m. Friday, July 27 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 28, 2018 in Charlotte’s Myers Park.

The Raleigh Community Safety Club will host the Passage Home Job Club from 1-3 PM every Thursday, beginning February 15th. This club will offer resume/cover letter assistance, interviewing skills training and more. 

The 22nd Annual Susan G. Komen Triangle Race for the Cure, presented locally by Duke Cancer Institute, will take place on Saturday, May 5, 2018, at The Frontier in Research Triangle Park .

David Heinen, the Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy at the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits, will give a talk entitled “What Will Tax Reform Mean for Nonprofit Fundraising?” on January 30th at the Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden in Kernersville.

NCTech4Good is seeking presenters for its annual conference  on June 5th. Interested presenters can check their session proposal guidelines, and submit a proposal by February 21st.

Triangle Nonprofit Communicators will host a Brown Bag Big Ideas lunch and brainstorming session on Wednesday, January 24th at at Emily Krzyzewski Family Life in Durham. This event is free but you must register in advance.

The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation invites you to share your ideas for the future of the larger Waterrock Knob and Plott Balsam region during an open house from 5 to 7 p.m., January 25th, at the Folkmoot Friendship Center in Waynesville. 

The North Carolina Center for Afterschool Programs  is seeking passionate workshop presenters and vendors for the 14th Annual Synergy Conference, which will be held April 25th through April 27th in Greenville, NC. This year’s conference is themed: “Building Tomorrow’s Workforce Today Through Expanded Learning”.

The Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association will host its 2018 Men’s and Women’s basketball tournament Tuesday, February 27 – Saturday, March 3, 2018 in Charlotte, NC.

“The Story of The Exodus,” a series of 24 lithographs by Marc Chagall, will be on display at the David McCune International Art Gallery at Methodist University in Fayetteville from February 8 to April 6, 2018. This will be the first time the exhibit has traveled to the United States from a private collection in Italy.

The Durham Arts Council 2018–2019 Annual Call for Artists is now open. Artists are encouraged to apply for an exhibit in one of the four galleries they program. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2018.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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