1.14.19 NC News

Jan 14, 2019 | News, Philanthropy Journal

CFC gives furloughed federal employees short-term assistance during shutdown, The Alzheimer’s Association – Western Carolina Chapter hosts “Alzheimer’s Advocacy 101," 24 Foundation kicks off its 18th annual 24 Hours of Booty, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Raleigh-based global nonprofit Curamericas Global has raised more than $320,000 as part of its 2018 Mom-a-thon fundraiser. The funds from this year’s campaign will impact more than 11,000 families with little access to health care and education.

During the ongoing Federal government shutdown, thousands of Federal employees around the country are receiving short-term assistance through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC has enabled federal employees to donate more than $8.3 billion to charitable causes of their choice.

For FY20, The Durham Arts Council will award approximately $355,000 in facility space grants and approximately $190,000 in cash grants in all of its grant programs for the coming year.

News about people, groups

The US Open Fat Bike Beach Championship from March 22nd through 24th will benefit the Wrightsville Beach Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving public parks and amenities for residents and the island’s many visitors each year.

The Alzheimer’s Association – Western Carolina Chapter will be hosting “Alzheimer’s Advocacy 101” on January 22nd. The training session will take place from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at Sharon Towers, 5100 Sharon Road in Charlotte. Attendees will learn how to speak up for the needs and rights of people with Alzheimer’s disease and their families. The session will cover the basics of grassroots advocacy; opportunities to advocate; and the workings of state and federal government.

UNC-TV Public Media North Carolina, in partnership with the UNC School of Government and with sponsorship by Civic Federal Credit Union, will premiere ncIMPACT on January 17th at 10 PM, on UNC-TV. This premiere episode will air again on February 7th at 8 PM, on UNC-TV as ncIMPACT launches as a weekly series.

Anita Brown-Graham

As a One-Star Patriot Circle Partner, WGU North Carolina was invited to participate in the USO of North Carolina’s Operation Exodus at Charlotte Douglas International Airport on December 18th. More than 3,000 service members enjoyed snacks, entertainment, hand-written cards, and other amenities in the USO of NC airport center as they passed through on their first trip home for the holidays. WGU staff were also at the airport on January 3rd to welcome the troops back.

Major Cam Selvey of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and Captain Robert Spatorico of the Fayetteville Police Department will serve as co-directors of the North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics North Carolina in 2019, according to Keith L. Fishburne, president/CEO of Special Olympics North Carolina.

Artivate artist Dom Flemons was featured on National Public Radio the weekend of January 5th.

Josh Hawkins has joined the Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter as Advocate and Ceremonial Ambassador. He is a native of North Carolina and currently is a cornerback for the Philadelphia Eagles.

News about opportunities, initiatives

The application cycle for the Durham Arts Council’s annual arts support grants is open beginning January 4th, for the DAC Season Grant and the Durham Arts Catalyst Grant categories. 

24 Foundation will be kicking off season 18 of its signature fundraiser – 24 Hours of Booty – with a day-long celebration on January 24th.

Juanita T. James will be hosting a seminar entitled Meeting Local Needs: Community Foundations’ Impact on their Communities on January 30th at 4:30 PM, in the Rhodes Conference Room, Sanford Building. 

The North Carolina Center for NonprofitsWNC Nonprofit Pathways, and the United Way of Asheville & Buncombe County will co-host a Public Policy Briefing on Febraury 22nd, at the Goodwill Career Corrections Center. Registration is $25 for North Carolina Center for Nonprofits members and $35 for non-members.

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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