News about grants, gifts
Acceso Colombia announced the second phase of its local feeding program that is expected to support 1.5 million meals for Venezuelan refugees over the next few months. This is an extension of Acceso Colombia’s feeding program which began in April of this year through funding from the Giustra Foundation.
CO-OP Financial Services committed $500,000 over the next 10 years to Global Women’s Leadership Network.
News about people, groups

Mandela, a two-time cancer survivor, will use her voice to advocate for GACCF’s work in low and middle-income countries.
Zoleka Mandela—activist, Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter, and South African writer—joined the Global Access to Cancer Care Foundation as an Ambassador to raise awareness about the organization’s lifesaving cancer education and treatment programs around the world.
Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions surpassed its goal of raising $100,000 for a disaster relief fund that impacted credit unions can access in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster.
WaterAid joined the United States Agency for International Development and Gap Inc. “Women + Water Global Development Alliance” as an implementing partner. The five-year program aims to improve and sustain the well-being of women and communities in India impacted by the apparel industry.
The international family of Carnegie institutions named the 10th class of Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy recipients at Carnegie’s ancestral home in Dunfermline, Scotland. The honorees include Anne G. Earhart, Mellody Hobson and George Lucas, Mariee-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Sir Ian Wood, and others.
Ziyaan Virji of Kenya received the Aga Khan Academy‘s Diana Award, named for Princess Diana, for creating and sustaining positive change.
News about opportunities, initiatives
Fondation Enfant Jesus-USA has extended through Saturday, August 31st its annual summer fundraiser, a raffle now in progress to benefit the deserving children of its orphanage in Kenscoff, Haiti. Click here for more information.
Early application is now open for the Global Youth Connect‘s “Music and Resistance” Peacebuilding Delegation to be held in January 2020 in Colombia. Click here for more details.
The Academy of Art, Science & Technology will hold an international conference on Trends & Innovations in Management, Engineering, Science & Humanities in Dubai in late 2019. For more details, click here.
The International Committee of the Red Cross released is 2018 Annual Report, noting a presence in more than 90 countries with a staff around 17,700. Click here to access the report.
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