10.24.16 NC Nonprofit News

Oct 24, 2016 | News, North Carolina, Philanthropy Journal

Strowd Roses, Inc. hosted a gathering at the Gene Strowd Community Rose Garden to celebrate 15 years of grantmaking, The Guilford Green Foundation will host a masquerade ball, All Hallow’s Takeover, on October 29th, Google for Nonprofits will host an event on November 11th at the Marbles Kids Museum for nonprofits, and more.

News about grants, gifts

Wells Fargo will donate $1.1 million to Hurricane Matthew relief efforts in the U.S. and Haiti, including $150,000 in North Carolina. 

Kroger has teamed up with the American Red Cross of Eastern North Carolina and will donate over $60,000 worth of goods to hurricane-impacted areas within North Carolina.

10-24-16-golden-leafGolden LEAF awarded a $45 million grant to support the construction of a facility for North Carolina State University’s Plant Sciences Initiative.

The SECU Foundation donated a $500,000 grant for North Carolina Feeding America Food Banks to assist victims in the counties directly impacted by Hurricane Matthew.

NC GreenPower teamed up with Yes Solar Solutions and Baker Renewable Energy to help disabled veteran, Army Sergeant Jon Robert to build a sustainable home. 

GSK gave a $200,000 grant to the East Durham Children’s Initiative that will support youth leaders as they build a healthier East Durham.

The Miracle League of the Triangle hosted its Ten Year Celebration and raised more than $280,000 in contributions for the organization.

News about people, groups

The Women’s Impact Network of New Hanover County has named three new committee chairs to its leadership team, Amy Horgan, Carol Kennedy, and Michelle Clark. 

RUNAWAY Clothes and the Durham Bulls hosted a charity auction on October 15th, to benefit the Durham Arts Council‘s Creative Arts in Public and Private Schools program.

Trophy Brewing Company and Meals on Wheels of Wake County hosted Pints for a Purpose on October 23rd in order to raise money for seniors on the Meals on Wheels waiting list.

Special exhibition openings at the Mint Museum

Special exhibition openings at the Mint Museum

The Mint Museum opened its special exhibits, “Women of Abstract Expressionism” and “Fired Up: Women in Glass” on October 22nd. 

On October 14th, Alliance Medical Ministry and StepUp Ministry launched their Share The Pie fundraiser in order to support the community through job preparedness and affordable healthcare.

The Hispanic League hosted Colorful Sounds In Concert: Latin America on October 20th, in Winston-Salem in order to develop a better understanding of the differences in Latin cultures.

24 Hours of Booty appointed Nanci Bonfield and Lisa Dale to the fundraising and recruitment team and Rasmus Pedersen to its board of directors.

The North Carolina Museum of Art will name its Park the Ann and Jim Goodnight Museum Park in honor of the family’s unparalleled contributions to the museum and Park over the past 20 years. 

Strowd Roses, Inc. hosted a gathering on October 16th, at the Gene Strowd Community Rose Garden to celebrate 15 years of grantmaking. More than 150 guests attended to honor the legacy and local impact of benefactors Irene and Gene Strowd.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill accepted a $20 million match challenge, the Give for Good: Scholarship Challenge, in support of need- and merit-based scholarships.

10-24-16-blue-ridge-parkway-foundation_revisedBlue Ridge Parkway Foundation held a celebration for the celebrate the opening of Boone Fork Bridge on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. 

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation named Greensboro the safest, most inclusive city in North Carolina for members of the LGBTQ community. 

On September 28th, Ernst & Young received the Outstanding Corporate Service Award, and Louis Pratt received the Outstanding Individual Service Award at the Junior Achievement of Eastern North Carolina Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast.

Band Together NC inducted four new directors to its board: Amanda Cheney, John Addeo, Hooker Manning, and Joan Seifert Rose.

On October 20th, Food Lion hosted its Food Lion Feeds Hunger Relief Day at the North Carolina State Fair to benefit the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina and its sister food banks around the state. 

On October 21st, the North Carolina Humanities Council in collaboration with the National Humanities Center launched Humanities Moments – a national initiative that gathers and shares stories on the impact of the humanities in Americans’ lives.

News about opportunities, initiatives

Google for Nonprofits will host an event on November 11th at the Marbles Kids Museum for nonprofits on Google Fiber and Google tools available for free to organizations in North Carolina. 

The North Carolina Triad Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals will host a National Philanthropy Day luncheon on November 21st, in Greensboro.

On October 28th, the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences will play “The Six Million Dollar Man” as part of its Final Friday celebration. 

"A Man Singing to Himself" by Jill Snyder

“A Man Singing to Himself” by Jill Snyder

Durham Arts Council will display “A Man Singing to Himself” by Jill Snyder through January 31st, 2017 as part of the Ella Fountain Pratt Legacy Gallery. 

United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County will host its 12th Annual Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? event from November 3rd-5th.

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences will premier its new Adult Night series on October 27th, beginning with a Halloween-themed event Nocturnal by Nature.

Saint Saviour’s Center will host a Fall event to celebrate its 15th anniversary on November 4th, in Raleigh.

The Polka Dot Mama Melanoma Foundation will host Martinis for Melanoma on October 24th, in Raleigh; proceeds will benefit the foundation’s mission to raise money for research, education, awareness, and early detection of melanoma. 

The Guilford Green Foundation will host a masquerade ball, All Hallow’s Takeover, on October 29th, in Greensboro.

The North Carolina Planned Giving Council will host “The Science (and Art) of Persuasion” featuring Anne T. Melvin from Harvard University on November 30th, in Greensboro.

Operation North State will accept the names of 1,500 North Carolina deployed troops to receive 2016 NCCARES Christmas Boxes; recommend recipients online.

The Biogen Foundation will accept applications for the micro-grants program, “Ignite the Power of STEM,” designed to support science education in North Carolina’s public schools through January 15th; the online grants process will be administered by the North Carolina Community Foundation.

Cora Cole-McFadden, Durham Mayor Pro Tempore and Durham City Council Member, will speak at Women NC‘s Fall Event, CEDAW and Fellowship: Voices for Women, on October 25th at Pullen Baptist Memorial Church. 

Carolina Panthers’ linebacker, Thomas Davis, and Cheerful Giving will raise money for the Thomas Davis Defending Dreams Foundation with an event, The Ultimate Game Day Experience, giving one fan and their guest two autographed footballs, two premium seats provided by TicketCity and round trip car service provided by Lyft for the Carolina Panthers vs. New Orleans Saints game on November 17th.

The Orange County Arts Commission will accept grant applications from artists, schools, nonprofits, and other groups until December 6th, for projects taking place January-December 2017; the organization will award up to $25,000 in arts grants.

Rush Hour Karting in Garner will host a Hurricane Matthew fundraiser on Friday, October 28th with 100 percent of all net proceeds to be donated to the Triangle Area Chapter of American Red Cross to assist with hurricane relief. 

If you are interested in having your organization’s news announced in the next News Bits, please send announcements or press releases to news@philanthropyjournal.com.

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